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  • Skills for the Administrative Assistant

    In this course, you’ll learn about the elements of a professional attitude, including dressing appropriately, developing a positive outlook, being assertive, and communicating well. You’ll also learn some fundamental skills for administrative assistants, such as writing letters, managing your time, saying “no,” working with others, and dealing with stress. All of these tools will help you achieve your goals and help the people that you support achieve their goals, too.
  • Business Etiquette: Gaining That Extra Edge

    In this course, you’ll learn all about business etiquette. First, you will learn tips for meeting new people, which includes a good handshake, knowing how to handle business cards, making small talk, remembering names, and crafting a good first impression. Then, you’ll learn how to dress for success, dine with confidence, and present yourself well on the phone and via e-mail.
  • Business Writing That Works

    This course will teach you the four C’s of writing: clear, concise, complete, and correct. You will also learn some of the fundamentals of good writing, including word agreement, active and passive voice, sentence construction, punctuation, and spelling. Finally, you will have a chance to apply these skills to real-life situations, such as writing e-mails, memos, and letters.
  • Bullying in the Workplace

    In this course, you will learn what bullying is and what it can cost an organization. You will also learn how to protect yourself from bullying, what to do if you are bullied, and what to do if you witness bullying.
  • Onboarding: The Essential Rules for a Successful Onboarding Program

    This course will explore the benefits of onboarding, show you how to design an onboarding framework, give you ways to customize the program for different audiences (including managers and executives), and demonstrate how to measure results from the program.
  • Communication Strategies

    This course will teach you all about the various aspects of communication. You’ll learn about asking questions, probing for information, active listening, and body language. Supporting skills are also covered, such as self-esteem, building relationships with others, and assertiveness.
  • Managing Difficult Conversations

    This course will give you an eight-step process for a difficult conversation, as well as some things to consider when deciding to have the conversation (such as your desired outcome, the time and place, and how to stay safe). You’ll also learn how to speak persuasively, ask good questions, and listen actively.
  • Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming

    This introductory course will teach the basics of neuro linguistic programming (NLP). You’ll learn about key terms, the NLP presuppositions, the NLP senses, eye cues, enriched language, clean questions, and hypnotic language.
  • Employee Accountability

    You will begin this course by exploring what accountability is all about and some recent events that have caused people to look at accountability more closely. Then, you’ll learn ways to build accountability and ownership in your organization and make yourself more accountable. Supporting skills, like goal setting, feedback, and delegation, are also covered.
  • Inventory Management: The Nuts and Bolts

    In this course, you will learn about all aspects of inventory management, including common terms, the inventory cycle, how to maintain inventory accuracy, and what some of the latest trends are.
  • Introduction to E-Mail Marketing

    In this course, you will receive an in-depth introduction to e-mail marketing. Once you have completed this course, you will be ready to plan, create, and deliver e-mail marketing campaigns that build relationships with customers and get results.
  • Making Training Stick

    In this course, you’ll learn ways to help make your training workshops stickier so that the learners will retain the material better. You will familiarize yourself with strategies that can help learning to stick with the audience in an effective and meaningful way. You will learn how to keep learners focused and motivated to absorb material. Also, you will learn ways to develop an effective training style, using appropriate training aids and techniques.
  • Public Speaking: Presentation Survival School

    This course will teach you how to manage your thoughts, body language, nervousness, and speech patterns to present yourself professionally. You’ll also learn how to present at meetings, use the five-S pattern to prepare a good presentation, and punch up your presentation with visual aids. As a bonus, you’ll complete Velsoft’s signature personality assessment to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a speaker.
  • An Environmental Audit Primer

    This course will give you the tools to conduct an internal environmental audit at your workplace. You will learn of the different types of audits and about auditors and the basic steps of an audit. This course will also teach you the essential aspects of an audit checklist and how to develop a checklist based on Environmental Management System procedures. You will also explore noncompliances, corrective actions and an audit closing meeting.
  • Six Sigma: Entering the Dojo

    Once you complete Six Sigma: Entering the Dojo your skills in this practical area of business improvement will be prepped and practiced enough to apply them in the real world. You are going to learn about the basics of Six Sigma and about various improvement tools. You will follow that up with a look at management tools for generating ideas. A look at continuous improvement is next on the agenda and the course concludes with a consideration of customer relationships.
  • Conference and Event Management

    In this course, you will learn all the essentials of event planning, including setting objectives, budgeting, using committees, advertising, choosing a venue, selecting a menu, developing takeaway items, gathering feedback for the plan, hosting the event, and evaluating how it all went.
  • Developing Your Executive Presence

    This course is going to provide you with the boost you might need to get the most out of your inter-personal skills as you develop yourself into an executive with presence that will be the marvel of your coworkers and others you meet. It will help you consider the first impressions you make on others, your interpersonal skills, your speaking and listening skills, plus sharpens your leadership skills.
  • Diversity Training: Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace

    In this course, you will learn what diversity means and what some of its related terms are. You’ll also consider how your world has changed and how stereotypes impact people. Then, you’ll learn how to use the four cornerstones of diversity and the STOP technique to encourage a diverse workplace. You will also learn how to manage for diversity and deal with discrimination issues.
  • Overcoming Objections to Nail the Sale

    In this course, you will learn how to overcome objections, identify buying signals, and close the sale. You will also learn supporting skills, like building credibility, being observant, and communicating well.
  • Influence and Persuasion

    In this course, you will learn how to speak persuasively, communicate with confidence, build rapport, develop a strong presentation, and leverage storytelling. You’ll also receive an introduction to basic neuro linguistic programming techniques.
  • Goal Setting

    In this course, you will create your personal vision, identify your values, and make a bucket list. From there, you’ll create goals with SPIRIT, set up support systems, learn how to deal with setbacks, and identify ways to get started on your journey right now.
  • Developing a Training Needs Analysis

    This course covers all the essential elements of a training needs analysis. The first step is using the ICE method to isolate problems, consult with stakeholders, and evaluate your options. Then, you can bring all of the information together into a training needs analysis that will convince readers to take action.
  • Public Speaking: Speaking Under Pressure

    This course will take you through preparing an effective presentation. Topics include planning your speech, identifying your audience, connecting with the listener, developing key themes and sentences, structuring your ideas, and managing nervousness and body language. You’ll focus on short responses and learn ways to expand a basic presentation.
  • Developing a High Reliability Organization

    You will learn what constitutes a High Reliability Organization (HRO), the principles behind high reliability and take a look at a real life disaster that could have benefitted from those principles.
  • E-Commerce Management

    This course will give you the skills to develop, design, test and successfully run your e-commerce business. It looks at important components such as business plans and marketing while touching upon payment methods, software solutions, security and fraud awareness, and much more. With those topics covered you will have the skills to take your e-commerce business to the next level.
  • Selling Smarter

    In this course, you will learn why consultative and customer-focused selling are so important. You’ll also learn about the sales cycle, setting goals, ways to increase your average sale, and where to find new clients.
  • Writing a Business Plan

    In this course, you will learn the essential steps for creating a business plan, including creating a first draft; identifying the audience; gathering information; researching; describing product plans; and marketing, sales, and accounting terms.
  • Beyond Workplace Politics: Using Social and Emotional Competencies

    Upon completing this course you will have developed the skills that will allow you to cope with workplace politics which crop up in every workplace where there is more than one person. You will learn exactly what workplace politics are and then delve into learning lessons from social and emotional intelligence. The course takes you along through a look at self-awareness, self-management and into social awareness. Your learning journey continues with consideration of good relationship skills, responsible decision making and wraps up with a chance for you to create your own workplace philosophy.
  • The ABC’s Of Supervising Others:

    This course will help you overcome many of the problems that you will encounter as a workplace leader. Topics include transitioning to a supervisory role, attitudes to cultivate, setting goals, personal productivity, communication skills, feedback techniques, conflict resolution, managing difficult conversations, and establishing credibility.
  • Creating a Positive Work Environment

    Here you will learn how to recognize a positive work environment and understand the key elements that are needed to create one. You will also discover what you can do personally to build on in your workplace and figure out what type of team player you are. Along the way you will be shown the importance of effective workplace relationships in creating and maintaining a positive environment at work. You will also reveal your personal strengths and weaknesses in working cooperatively and your preference for dealing with workplace conflict.
  • Getting Stuff Done: Personal Development Boot Camp

    To start this course, you’ll explore what personal efficiency is all about, as well as useful attitudes and skills that you might want to develop. Then, you’ll outline your vision statement, dreams, and goals. Next, you’ll learn about the 80/20 system, what characteristics your organizational system should have, how to design a functional workspace, and techniques for organizing your daily to-do items. You’ll also learn how to set up and maintain information management systems (both physical and virtual), prioritize tasks, create routines, and tackle procrastination. Finally, you’ll learn how to get organized at home.
  • Building Your Self Esteem and Assertiveness Skills

    In this course, you will explore what self-esteem is and where low self-esteem comes from. You will also learn ways to build your self-esteem, get what you want, and make others feel better about themselves.
  • Managing Pressure and Maintaining Balance

    This course will teach you about the causes and costs of workplace pressure, the benefits of creating balance, and how to identify pressure points. You will also learn how to apply emotional intelligence, increase optimism and resilience, and develop strategies for getting ahead.
  • Coaching and Mentoring

    In this course, you will learn how coaching and mentoring differ from each other. You will also learn the key aspects of each skill as well as supporting skills (such as goal setting, communication, feedback techniques, and adult learning principles).
  • Active Listening

    In this course, you will learn what active listening is and what qualities active listeners have. You’ll also learn how to manage your body language, create a positive listening attitude, encourage conversation, build relationships, and get over listening roadblocks.
  • Project Management Fundamentals

    In this course, you will learn what a project is and what a project manager does. You will also learn about the life cycle of a project. In particular, you will focus on the conceptual phase of project management, where you identify, prioritize, and scope a project idea.
  • Environmental Sustainability: A Practical Approach to Greening Your Organization

    Here you will learn how to draft an Environmental Management System that can be applied to your organization. Along the way you will understand the term ‘greenwashing’ and how to avoid it. You will know the six key performance indicator areas as defined by the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme and will be able to determine Environmental Impacts and Aspects within an organization then how to set objectives and targets for significant impacts.
  • Knowledge Management

    In this course, you will learn what knowledge is, what knowledge management is, how tacit and explicit knowledge are different, and the business benefits that knowledge management can bring. Then, you will learn about the knowledge management mix (which includes people, technology, and process) as well as a four step process for building your knowledge management framework. You will also learn about four knowledge management models: Bukowitz and Williams’ KM Process Framework, Gamble and Blackwell’s knowledge management matrix, Botha’s process model, and Nonaka and Takeuchi’s spiral model. Implementation aspects, such as knowledge management teams, post-mortem plans, KMBOKs, Chief Knowledge Officers, and pilot programs, are covered as well.
  • Call Center Training: Sales and Customer Service Training for Call Center Agents

    In this course, you will learn how to present yourself appropriately on the telephone. You will also learn tips for saying “no,” giving bad news, selling on the phone, overcoming objections, dealing with difficult customers, taking messages, and managing voice mail. We will also share a basic telephone script that you can customize.
  • Purchasing and Procurement Basics

    In this course, you will learn the basics of purchasing and procurement. You’ll receive an introduction to the supply chain, the purchasing cycle, and basic purchasing tools. You’ll also learn about the competitive bidding process, how to manage supplier performance, risk management techniques, and ways to build relationships.
  • Balanced Scorecard Basics

    You will begin this course by learning what the balanced scorecard is and what types of organizations it is most useful for. Then, you will review some sample scorecards, strategy maps, and tactical action plans. You will also learn how to develop your organization’s mission, vision, and values (which form the basis for the balanced scorecard); a project vision statement; plans to implement the scorecard; and balanced scorecard teams.
  • Basic Internet Marketing

    In this course, you will learn how to market online, where your target market is, and what results you are getting. You will also learn about search engine optimization, e-mail campaigns, pay per click advertising, and more.
  • Conquering Your Fear of Speaking in Public

    To begin this course, you’ll review some of the basics of communication. Then, you’ll learn how to make small talk, develop conversations, speak well, dress appropriately, and control nervousness. To wrap things up, you’ll learn how to handle specific scenarios, like meetings and sticky social situations.
  • Managing the Virtual Workplace

    This course will teach managers and supervisors how to prepare employees for the virtual workplace, create telework programs, build virtual teams, leverage technology, and overcome cultural barriers.