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  • Emotional Intelligence

    This course will introduce you to the history of emotional intelligence and what it’s all about. You’ll explore the most popular theories, including the EI blueprint, Martin Seligman’s ABC’s of optimism, the VALUE and SOLER techniques, Ekman’s seven basic emotions, and Plutchik’s wheel. You’ll also explore your personal values and vision statement to help guide you in your emotional intelligence development.
  • Introduction to E-Mail Marketing

    In this course, you will receive an in-depth introduction to e-mail marketing. Once you have completed this course, you will be ready to plan, create, and deliver e-mail marketing campaigns that build relationships with customers and get results.
  • Safety in the Workplace

    This course will teach you how to create a safety culture in your organization by developing a safety committee, identifying and resolving hazards, taking proactive safety measures, developing a safety plan, and reviewing your safety program. You will also learn how to respond to, document, and investigate safety incidents.
  • Developing a Safety Procedures Manual

    This course helps you craft a usable manual for your workplace, or for whatever situation you require one. You will learn about safety procedures and safety procedures templates. Also, this course introduces you to how to organize the steps in a procedure and construct a flowchart. Brainstorming allows you to gather information and you will also look at guidelines for writing procedures and learn about communication aids.
  • Goal Setting

    In this course, you will create your personal vision, identify your values, and make a bucket list. From there, you’ll create goals with SPIRIT, set up support systems, learn how to deal with setbacks, and identify ways to get started on your journey right now.
  • Writing a Business Plan

    In this course, you will learn the essential steps for creating a business plan, including creating a first draft; identifying the audience; gathering information; researching; describing product plans; and marketing, sales, and accounting terms.
  • Business Writing That Works

    This course will teach you the four C’s of writing: clear, concise, complete, and correct. You will also learn some of the fundamentals of good writing, including word agreement, active and passive voice, sentence construction, punctuation, and spelling. Finally, you will have a chance to apply these skills to real-life situations, such as writing e-mails, memos, and letters.
  • Measuring Training Results

    In this course, you will learn how to measure training results using Donald Kirkpatrick’s four-level evaluation model. You will also learn about essential tools and techniques, including cost-benefit analysis and return on investment.
  • Body Language: Reading Body Language as a Sales Tool

    In this course, you will learn how to interpret personal space, gestures, facial expressions, body movements, and posture. You’ll also learn how to send the right message with body language, dress, and personal interactions.
  • Appreciative Inquiry

    In this course you will learn about the appreciative inquiry process. To begin, you’ll explore its fundamental principles and the 4-D model. You’ll also get a hands-on look at the appreciative inquiry interview guide and start considering how this powerful tool could make a difference in your organization.
  • Building a Consulting Business

    This course will guide you along your journey to starting your own consulting business. It will take a look at important components such as business plans and marketing plans while touching on networking and important documents you need to consider.
  • Purchasing and Procurement Basics

    In this course, you will learn the basics of purchasing and procurement. You’ll receive an introduction to the supply chain, the purchasing cycle, and basic purchasing tools. You’ll also learn about the competitive bidding process, how to manage supplier performance, risk management techniques, and ways to build relationships.
  • Meeting Management: The Art of Making Meetings Work

    In this course, you will learn how to prepare for meetings, develop agendas, lead a meeting, differentiate between process and content, use facilitation skills in a meeting, and manage difficult participants.
  • Project Management Fundamentals

    In this course, you will learn what a project is and what a project manager does. You will also learn about the life cycle of a project. In particular, you will focus on the conceptual phase of project management, where you identify, prioritize, and scope a project idea.
  • Disability Awareness: Working with People with Disabilities

    In this course, you will explore what the word “disabilities” means and what some common disabilities are. You will also explore stereotypes, misconceptions, and labels. Then, you will learn ways to encourage diversity, create an accessible workplace, make appropriate accommodations, and protect the privacy of your employees.
  • An Environmental Audit Primer

    This course will give you the tools to conduct an internal environmental audit at your workplace. You will learn of the different types of audits and about auditors and the basic steps of an audit. This course will also teach you the essential aspects of an audit checklist and how to develop a checklist based on Environmental Management System procedures. You will also explore noncompliances, corrective actions and an audit closing meeting.
  • Business Leadership: Becoming Management Material

    The first part of this course will teach you about Peter Senge’s five learning disciplines: personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning, and systems thinking. You will also learn about Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard’s Situational Leadership II® model, servant leadership, and the five practices in James Kouzes and Barry Posner's “The Leadership Challenge.” In addition to these leadership models, basic skills (such as building trust, managing change, personal productivity, resolving conflict, solving problems, and leading meetings) will also be covered.
  • Creating a Positive Work Environment

    Here you will learn how to recognize a positive work environment and understand the key elements that are needed to create one. You will also discover what you can do personally to build on in your workplace and figure out what type of team player you are. Along the way you will be shown the importance of effective workplace relationships in creating and maintaining a positive environment at work. You will also reveal your personal strengths and weaknesses in working cooperatively and your preference for dealing with workplace conflict.
  • Managing the Virtual Workplace

    This course will teach managers and supervisors how to prepare employees for the virtual workplace, create telework programs, build virtual teams, leverage technology, and overcome cultural barriers.
  • Building an Online Business

    This course will lead you from your idea to your online business. It will take a look at important components such as business plans and marketing while touching upon payments, online marketplaces, and much more. With those topics covered you will have the skills to become an online entrepreneur.
  • Advanced Skills for the Practical Trainer

    To begin, you will explore the trainer’s role and what skills and competencies trainers should have. Then you will learn about the learning process and different learning styles, and apply that knowledge to designing programs and motivating learners. You will also learn ways to manage the stress of training, plan a workshop, and lead a training session. Then, you will learn techniques for dealing with difficult participants, evaluating learning, and conducting on-the-job follow-up. Alternative training methods, such as eLearning, co-facilitation, and team teaching will also be covered.
  • Six Sigma: Entering the Dojo

    Once you complete Six Sigma: Entering the Dojo your skills in this practical area of business improvement will be prepped and practiced enough to apply them in the real world. You are going to learn about the basics of Six Sigma and about various improvement tools. You will follow that up with a look at management tools for generating ideas. A look at continuous improvement is next on the agenda and the course concludes with a consideration of customer relationships.
  • Communications for Small Business Owners

    If you are new to the communications highway, this course will provide the foundation for future development. If your company has some communications expertise, this course will help you strengthen and polish your essential components.
  • Accounting Skills for New Supervisors

    In course, you will learn the basics of accounting, including financial terms, generally accepted accounting principles, the accounting cycle, key financial reports, financial analysis tools, and budgeting.
  • Writing for the Web

    This course will teach you how to design and structure web writing, create eye-catching headlines, develop user-friendly websites, add audio and video to your writing, and leverage search engine optimization to get noticed.
  • Developing Your Training Program

    You will start this course by considering what training is, when it is necessary, and what other options are out there. Then, you will learn the ICE method for identifying needs, a seven-step model for instructional design, and tips for building an engaging program. Next, you will walk through the steps of program design, including setting learning objectives, identifying evaluation strategies, choosing learning methodologies, finding content, creating energizers, using assessment tools, developing supporting materials, and testing the program. You will also receive tips on creating a proposal for a training program and building rapport with company sponsors.
  • Bullying in the Workplace

    In this course, you will learn what bullying is and what it can cost an organization. You will also learn how to protect yourself from bullying, what to do if you are bullied, and what to do if you witness bullying.
  • Managing Across Cultures

    During this course you will learn about cultures and how to integrate them into the workforce through effective communication and team building. In addition, you are going to be shown ways managing over a cross-cultural spectrum and building a multicultural organization by dipping into the global talent pool.
  • Balanced Scorecard Basics

    You will begin this course by learning what the balanced scorecard is and what types of organizations it is most useful for. Then, you will review some sample scorecards, strategy maps, and tactical action plans. You will also learn how to develop your organization’s mission, vision, and values (which form the basis for the balanced scorecard); a project vision statement; plans to implement the scorecard; and balanced scorecard teams.
  • Knowledge Management

    In this course, you will learn what knowledge is, what knowledge management is, how tacit and explicit knowledge are different, and the business benefits that knowledge management can bring. Then, you will learn about the knowledge management mix (which includes people, technology, and process) as well as a four step process for building your knowledge management framework. You will also learn about four knowledge management models: Bukowitz and Williams’ KM Process Framework, Gamble and Blackwell’s knowledge management matrix, Botha’s process model, and Nonaka and Takeuchi’s spiral model. Implementation aspects, such as knowledge management teams, post-mortem plans, KMBOKs, Chief Knowledge Officers, and pilot programs, are covered as well.
  • Performance Management: Managing Employee Performance

    In this course, you will learn about the Shared Management Model, which helps the manager transfer motivation and responsibility for results to the employee. This course will cover all three phases of the model: preparing the employee for the job, motivating them to do it, and evaluating their performance.
  • Getting Your Job Search Started

    In this course, you will learn how to manage change, identify your values and skills, consider your vocation, find jobs, network, and set goals. Then, you should be ready to start the search for your dream job.
  • Motivation Training: Motivating Your Workforce

    To start this course, you will learn about some basic motivation theories. You will also learn about setting goals, identifying values, and ways to create a motivational climate.
  • Giving Effective Feedback

    In this course, you will learn about the essential elements of feedback, important communication techniques, and a framework for informal and formal feedback. You’ll also learn some tips for receiving feedback.